How do parents choose a stroller for their baby?

Published : 08/10/2020 09:36:07
Categories : Video tips from pediatricians

Choosing a baby stroller is one of the most important choices that parents would make. This choice is important because it is one of the baby and children's items that are used not only often but also for a long time.

Therefore, it should be selected so that it is of both high quality and comfortable for both the baby and his parents. Add to the fact that this is one of the serious investments to be made at an early stage of life of the child, and it becomes crystal clear why mom and dad spend so much time making the most correct and reasonable choice of stroller for their baby.


Criteria by which parents choose a stroller

Stroller type according to the age of the child

The major factor that influences the type of stroller the parents stop at depends mainly on the age and needs of the child. Depending on whether they are looking for a stroller for a newborn or for a child a few months old, they consider possible choices. Usually, the types of strollers that fall into their field of vision are several, that being said, the variety of models, brands and price range of these strollers are as follows:

Combined (2x1 and 3x1)

This type of children's items are one of the most popular among parents of very young babies, as they are multifunctional and "grow" with the child. Most models are convertible, which means that once the basket is too small for the baby, it can be removed and the product can be turned into a stroller where the baby can sit.

And if the stroller needs to be transported by car, then with just a few simple steps it turns into a car seat. Some of the models have a reversible seat, and some even have the built-in capacity to "expand" and be used by a second child. This type of stroller is a good choice for parents who are looking for a product that they can use for a long time or for families with more children.

The combined stroller are suitable for newborns and children weighing from 0 to 12 - 15 kg.


Light strollers with four wheels

Light strollers ("umbrella" type) are a suitable choice for children over six months of age and can stand firmly. Parents stop at them, looking for a really light, compact, comfortable and easily folding stroller, with which they can easily walk on the city streets and shops. This is also the cheapest option for a stroller.

"Umbrella" type strollers are suitable for children over six months of age weighing up to 15 kg.

Road system

This stroller type "travel system" are combined strollers, the base of which coincides with the base of car seats. This type is also in high demand because they are multifunctional and can be used from the birth of a child until he or she is one year old or older. In addition to their versatility, the "road systems" appeal to parents because they can carry the little one from the stroller to the vehicle without disturbing his sleep.

This type of stroller is suitable for newborns and children weighing up to 12 - 15 kg.

Jogging strollers

This type of children's goods are a little more specialized, as they are designed mainly for parents who like to run. Unlike other types, jogging strollers have one front and two rear wheels and are slightly bulkier and heavier than the others.

Usually (but not necessarily), this type of children's items attracts the attention of parents who often run in the park or who like long walks. In urban conditions, jogging strollers are not the best option, as they are bulky and heavier. This type of stroller is suitable for children over six months and weighing up to 15+ kg.

Features of the stroller

In addition to the type of stroller, parents pay special attention to features such as:


Maneuverability is very important, as the baby will walk for a long time and the stroller will go through different terrains. In order to be able to be operated without difficulty by the parent, it must be very maneuverable and not hinder pushing and moving.


The comfort and convenience of the child depend to a great extent on the tires with which the stroller is equipped. Modern strollers are usually equipped with one of two types of tires - filled with air (pneumatic) or EVA (filled with foam). Each of the types has its advantages and disadvantages.

Tires full of air absorb much of the vibration caused by bumps on the road, which is to their advantage.

Their disadvantage is that they need maintenance and are heavier. EVA tires are a more modern alternative, lighter and maintenance-free. Their disadvantage is that they wear out over time and there is no option to repair them.

Braking system

Regardless of the type of children's item, a prerequisite for the safety of the child is that he has a good braking system. Depending on the model and brand of the baby product, the brakes can be on only one wheel, or they can be on both. They are usually activated by foot.

Convenient handle with adjustability

The adjustable handle is among the mandatory requirements when choosing a stroller, as it allows the parent to adjust it to an appropriate height so that it becomes comfortable and exerts no strain on the child's "vehicle".

Seat belts

Modern parents care about the safety of their children and are aware that stroller belts are an absolute must. Therefore, one of the first things they pay attention to is whether their chosen children's product has a 3 or 5-point belt.


Young children get very dirty, so you will not find a parent who does not pay attention to the material from which the stroller is made. Usually 99% of parents stop at strollers, the materials of which can be easily cleaned, removed and washed in a washing machine and dried quickly.


Yes, weight is also important when choosing a stroller. That's why modern parents are turning to strollers, which are made of lighter but stronger materials such as aluminum. The lighter weight of the stroller not only provides greater maneuverability, but it is also much easier for the parent to carry and manage.


What is a stroller if it is not equipped with all the necessary accessories for the comfort of the child? Be sure that no parent would buy a stroller if it does not have any of the following mandatory accessories:

  • Comfortable footrest
  • Luggage bag
  • Convenient and deep shopping rack
  • Sunshade
  • Raincoat
  • Cup holder, bottle and other extras

Price range

The prices at which strollers are offered are in a fairly large range. Depending on the type, characteristics, model and last but not least the brand. The prices may vary from BGN 100+ (for simplified summer strollers type “umbrella”) to BGN 300 - 400+ (for combined, road systems and jogging strollers).

The price that parents are willing to pay depends mainly on their personal financial capabilities. However, our observations show that Bulgarian parents prefer to pay a little more, but to buy a stroller for their baby from a popular brand and a higher class.


How to match the supply of stroller with the demand of parents?

If you have stores selling children's goods, you have the difficult task of always being ready to meet the requirements of worried and often quite confused parents. This means that you can not only provide an extremely wide range of strollers from popular brands and models, but also offer them in a different price range.

You must have at least a few models of each type of stroller in your store and be able to offer all possible additional accessories to them.

You must be fully aware of the trends for 2020 in order to be able to adequately respond to the desire of parents to buy the latest possible stroller model from a popular brand. You will not go wrong if you bet on models from popular brands such as:

  • Zizito
  • Chipolino
  • Hauck
  • Peg Perego
  • Kikkaboo
  • Graco
  • Cangaroo

Be always ready to expand your product catalog by adding to the models and brands of strollers that you offer and other brands that parents are interested in.

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